
Denfield Park Primary School

Learning and Growing Together

Pupil Premium Allocation Information

Pupil Premium Provision

The Pupil Premium is allocated to schools for children of statutory school age who are eligible under the following criteria:


  • Low-income families who are known to be eligible for Free school meals (FSM) in both mainstream and non-mainstream settings. From 2012-2013 this has also included pupils eligible for FSM at any point in the last six years (known as the Ever 6 FSM measure).


  • Children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months


  • Children whose parents are currently serving in the armed forces.


Pupil Premium funding is given to schools to help pupils reach their full potential, regardless of their background or financial situation. We will be using this money to make a real difference to the quality of education we can provide for children by providing the following:

  • In school where required, we will provide targeted intervention support, this can be 1:1 tuition, reading interventions and coaching with phonics and reading.
  • Where necessary, we will provide appropriate pastoral, mental health and wellbeing support to enable pupils to access learning within and beyond the classroom
  • We will target funding to ensure all pupils have access to school trips 
  • Provide some funding to give opportunities for all pupils to participate in enrichment activities including after school sport clubs and music lessons.
  • Free hot dinners or packed lunches provided by our caterers Love Food
  • North Northamptonshire Council (NNC) will continue to provide holiday food vouchers for all eligible pupils. They have also provided vouchers to support with clothing and other school essentials at Christmas and Easter. School will also, where possible, make available good quality second hand uniform.


If you are claiming Income Support, Income based Job Seekers Allowance, Income related Employment & Support Allowance, Child Tax Credit or Universal Credit, you may be eligible for Pupil Premium by claiming Free School Meals.

Registering is really quick and easy all you need to do is complete an online form at and you will receive an instant decision.

If you need any help with applying, please ask at the school office.


Details on the allocation of our Pupil Premium allocations and how it has been used, from this and previous years, can be found in the documents below. The Pupil Premium Strategy sets out the strategic plans for pupil premium spending.




Documents - please click to open
