Learning and Growing Together
We ask that the children go on to Mathletics to improve their mathematical skills. Your support, help and encouragement with homework tasks is very much appreciated. The work is already set for your child's abilities and levels. it is a massive help for them and improves their independence.
The learning resources on Mathletics are available to all of Year 4 children. The children's usernames and passwords can be found inside your child's homework diary. We encourage the children to use Mathletics as much as possible.
Times Tables Rockstars
Website: https://ttrockstars.com/login2
The children's usernames and passwords can be found inside your child's homework diary.
Your support, help and encouragement with homework tasks is very much appreciated.
Please read with your child regularly at home. For every home read your child will be able to reach one of our new reading rewards.