Learning and Growing Together
Physical Education at Denfield Park
Here at Denfield, we strongly believe in providing life long skills to equip our children both in and out of the classroom. Physical Education helps provide children with the opportunity to develop a positive attitude towards maintaining a healthy lifestyle, build competitiveness with themselves and others and understand the importance of values such as fair play, teamwork and sportsmanship. Our P.E lessons are fun and engaging, build on skills, accessible to all and provide varying levels of challenge. We encourage children to participate in competitive sport through classes, houses, and district competitions!
Mrs Burke teaches P.E to all classes and throughout the year external coaches/teams come in to hold workshops across year groups. This is a great way to inspire the children, providing them with diverse role models. During children's time at Denfield, they learn a wide range of skills, applying and developing them in competitive and non competitive sport. Collaboration and communication helps our children to recognise and evaluate their own successes.
Year 6 attend an 8 week swimming block. A fundamental life skill, the children will learn about water safety as well work their way through the fish stages whilst gaining independence.
We have young leaders who organise equipment for lunchtimes and initiate play as well as a Sports Crew who work with our PE teacher to discuss all things sport from arranging sporting opportunities and activities to intra-house competitions within school.
We aim to offer after school sporting clubs, to all age groups. The clubs are run by either a teacher or external sports coaches. Please see the timetable in the clubs section of the website where you will find more information about what's on offer and fees.
Children come to school wearing their PE kit & PE days are as follows:
Tuesday - Year 5 & Year 6
Wednesday - Year 1, Year 2 & Reception
Thursday - Year 4 & Year 3
Friday - Rabbits & SAINTS for selected year groups.
Guidelines on the dress code for both indoor and outdoor PE lessons can be found in our Policy.
Mrs Burke - PE Lead
We have a Sports Crew who will be responsible for;
Their skills are needed to organise, promote and motivate our school and our students to get involved in PE and school sport. Look out for their contributions on the PE newsletter as well as the difference they make around school!
We are pleased to partner with Saints Rugby Club, Twisted Arts & PaceSetters who deliver our after school clubs. This is a fantastic opportunity for children to mix with children in different year groups as well as the coaches being positive role models. Clubs run 3:30pm - 4:30pm unless specified and some do have a fee. If you are pupil premium, please speak to the office about spaces.
Monday - KS2 Acrobatics & Self Defence
Tuesday - KS1 Multi-Skills
Wednesday - Yr1-6 Spy Club
Friday - SAINTS KS1 Football
Links to book
Multi-Skills/Spy Club/Football - Book here
Acrobatics & Self Defence - www.twistedarts.co.uk/store/after-school-clubs/
Please find below links to local clubs in the area.
Please find below ways in which you can help your child with physical movement and activity at home!