Learning and Growing Together
Maths Homework
In year 3 we focus our Maths homework online. We would encourage your children to use Mathletics and TT Rockstars on a weekly basis. This allows them to practise their learning at home. It is a fantastic way to encourage your children as it is fun and interactive.
All children have their username and password in their reading records.
If your child cannot access their online mathematics homework for any reason, please write a note in their homework diaries.
Please read with your child regularly at home. We expect the children to read at least 3 times a week. Reading records will be checked on a Tuesday. This year the children will be rewarded for their home reading at the end of each half term. They will have a reading dragon in school with the goal to collect as many as possible. Children will be rewarded for certain milestones. Only one entry per day (including weekends and holidays) is counted.
Termly common exception word spellings will be stuck into your child’s reading record termly. Children will be tested termly on all spellings they have practiced in class. Additional details about this will be found in their reading records.