Learning and Growing Together
As part of the children’s homework, we ask all parents/guardians to read with their children every day – all pupils will be provided with a book bag book matched to their phonic level. This will be changed every Friday, repeatedly reading the same book will support the fluency of your child’s reading. Please ensure that your child brings their reading record and reading book to school daily. Reading is an invaluable skill and one that we really promote in year 1 as it not only helps with reading but it has a positive influence within the whole curriculum.
We will be continuing a reading reward system similar to that of last year, this was enjoyed by all of the children, this year they will also have a target to beat which has been set according their end of year total last year. Please remember to write in your child’s reading record when they have completed some reading so that it can be counted towards the reading rewards. Only one entry per day (including weekends and holidays) is counted. Including the date, book title and signed with initials is an acceptable way to record the read.
Your child has a Mathletics, Purple Mash and Oxford Owl login at the front of their reading records, these are all great tools to support the learning taking place in school. Mathletics certificates are printed out weekly for those that have earned enough points. Some ‘To Do’ tasks will be set on Purple Mash to help the children become familiar with navigating their way around the site and finally a phonics book will be set on Oxford Owl, this will match their groupings in school and further support the fluency of reading.